
life-saving wristband

The Acticheck® life-saving wristband uses market leading technology to give you and your family peace of mind.

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Acticheck personal alarm and monitoring system

The Acticheck is a revolutionary personal alarm and monitoring system – a fit and forget smartband that continuously monitors your wellbeing and connects you to help if and when you need it. If you live alone or are elderly and would like your friends or family to have peace of mind that you are safe, active and well, then the Acticheck smartband monitor is for you. The system triggers an alert for help if you ask it to, if the wellbeing checks are not acknowledged, or if it detects that you might have had a severe fall.


The Acticheck personal alarm and wellbeing monitor system has four ways of triggering an alert to cover a wide range of eventualities.

  1. Call for help
  2. Wellness checks
  3. Fall Detection
  4. End-to-end checks
  5. Temperature checks

All you need to master using it is that if you want help you squeeze the buttons and if it buzzes and you don’t want help just press a single button on the band. It’s that simple!

The Acticheck system uses a movement sensor that constantly monitors the movement of the wristband. It can be configured to detect movement patterns that could be a fall. Every fall is different and the Acticheck will never detect 100% of falls with no false alarms. There are various settings to suit most people’s needs.

The Acticheck smartband has been developed to have a one year battery life. This means that it’s a truly ‘fit and forget’ band. We have enabled this by proprietary battery management capabilities and designing the system to provide the level of service you need rather than providing many different features and options that may never be used.



Fits wrists from 12.0cm to 21.0cm circumference. It is 2.4cm wide and weighs 34 grammes.

The band strap is made of medical grade silicone to minimise toxic or injurious effects on the wearer.

All materials used comply with EU regulations and the product has full CE conformity.

Our staff really care about our product and customers. Happy to help you with both setting up and living with the Acticheck.


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The alert sequence

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Fall Detection

The Acticheck wristband includes a movement sensor which the system monitors to detect any event which might be a fall. Every fall is different and there are optional settings to suit different people’s needs.

Most users will find one of the four presets suitable:

  • Off – all fall detection disabled
  • Sensitive – Small shocks will trigger the inactivity monitoring system which will start an alert if there is no movement in the next minute
  • Normal – The shock triggers are set to default values with a one minute wait for movement
  • Active – The shock triggers are set to low sensitivity with a five minute wait



“Figures from AgeUK suggest that about one third of all people over 65 fall each year. If the fall occurs whilst the person is home alone and the fall results in the person being unable to move, the consequences can be very serious. The Acticheck uses advanced algorithms that detect movement patterns that could be a fall”

Day / Night Mode

During sleep most people naturally change position then remain still. This can be interpreted as a fall resulting in an unwelcome false alert in the middle of the night. Day/Night mode extends the inactivity period to 4 hours during the night (9 at night until 7 the following morning). This period has been selected to be longer than the period of deep sleep for the majority of people.

No need to take it off…

the battery keeps on running

Our technology is designed to maximise the life of the battery meaning that you never need to take the Acticheck off, unless you want to. It is also waterproof so you can wear it whilst bathing or showering.

We monitor the battery levels of all devices and mail you a replacement ‘puck’ when you opt for another year’s cover.

We designed the Acticheck so that is does not need to be taken off to recharge. The more a device is removed, the higher the risk of an accident whilst you are not ‘covered’ and the higher the chance the device will be forgotten.

Acticheck – personal alarm and monitoring system for the elderly, disabled, lone workers and people living alone

Whatever happens

3 alert triggers for comprehensive protection…

SOS – Call for help

To call for help simply squeeze the wristband buttons together.

Automatic fall detection

The life-saving wristband is also a fall detection bracelet which monitors for severe falls automatically.

I’m OK checks

The simple way to confirm you are OK in the morning and before bed. At times you choose the wristband vibrates and pressing either button confirms you are OK.

Wherever it happens

Covers you in your home, garden and beyond

The Acticheck fall detection bracelet links to a base station to give resilient home & garden coverage because this is where people are most likely to remain undiscovered for long periods of time.

We also have smartphone apps (Android and iPhone) for use away from home which link seamlessly without the wearer having to do anything other than have their phone on them or nearby.

Whenever it happens

Uninterrupted protection – because you never know when an emergency will happen.

The wristband is designed to be worn in the shower, in bed and wherever you go – extraordinarily for a full year without recharging.

So unlike many rival systems, help is always at hand.

Get the peace of mind you and your family deserve

Frequently asked questions...

There are three alert triggers for comprehensive protection:

  1. SOS panic buttons
    To call for help simply squeeze the wristband.
  2. Automatic detection of severe falls
    The wristband monitors for serious falls which lead to immobility.
  3. I’m OK checks
    The simple way to confirm you are OK in the morning and before bed. At times you choose the wristband vibrates and pressing either button confirms you are OK.

Very simple, both for the wearer and their responders.

All the wearer needs to do is put on the wristband and leave it on.

If help is needed – squeeze the wristband.
If the wristband vibrates, press a button to confirm everything is OK and help isn’t needed.

That’s all there is too it, there isn’t even any need to remember whether you need to charge it tonight as the battery lasts for a year.

Uninterrupted protection is important because you never know when an emergency will happen.

Many systems don’t work when they are needed because there has been a ‘baked-in’ reason to remove it.

Pendants should not be worn at night (strangulation risk) and can be awkward to wear in the shower. Wristbands that have a single button are likely to raise false alarm overnight as they are accidentally pressed.

Some devices need regular recharging, which creates the opportunity to forget to put it back on when it might be needed.

The life-saving wristband is designed to be worn in the shower, in bed and wherever you go – for a full year without recharging.

With Acticheck help is always at hand.

The system covers you in home, Garden and beyond.

The Acticheck life-saving wristband links to a base station (on 869MHz, for the boffins) to give resilient home & garden coverage. This is where we think most attention should be focussed as it is the place where people are most likely to remain undiscovered for long periods of time.

We also have smartphone apps (android and iPhone) for use away from home which link seamlessly without the wearer having to do anything as long as they have their phone on them or nearby.

However, we do not recommend relying on apps in the home & garden because it is easy to inadvertently lose contact with the phone.

The Acticheck life-saving wristband connects you straight to family & friends.

There is also an optional fallback call response centre.

If you raise an alert your chosen ‘responders’ get a phonecall asking if they can help.

If they accept a voice message will provide your name and address and any other emergency information such as a keysafe code. This information will also be sent as an SMS and email.

Anyone with a phone number can help and they don’t need to run a special app.

We focus on using those people who would naturally look out for you as it is generally quicker, easier and less expensive than calling an ambulance or other professional.

However, we recognise that there might be times when none of your responders are able to help and we have an optional fallback call response centre available for just £35 a year to make sure no alert ever goes unattended.

Installing the Acticheck system is straightforward.

When you open your system you’ll find a comprehensive ‘User guide’ which explains how to set up the system and introduces the features so you can choose which will be helpful to you.

Everything you need is in the box, including plugs and cables.

If you need any help you can call our support number and we’ll happily put you on the right track. We can even drive the installation over the phone and talk you through what needs doing at in the wearers home if internet access is a problem.

The cellular enabled system is suitable when people don’t already have broadband at home.

If you have a reliable broadband connection at home then the ‘broadband only’ system will plug in via a cable (supplied).

If you you don’t have the internet at home you’ll need our cellular enabled system.   

Whether you have a cellular enabled base station or a broadband only the wristband will work with the smartphone app.

To buy the Acticheck system visit our shop and configure your ideal system.

A button will then appear along with an explanation of today’s cost and what it will cost in the future.

Then just follow the step by step process to complete your purchase. Provided that it is before 4.00pm on a working day we’ll get it in the post to you that day.

The phone systems in the UK are in the process of switching from analogue lines to digital ones. This means that some older systems designed to work over phone lines will not work and must be swapped.

The Acticheck life-saving wristband has always worked over the internet and our servers will then call any valid phone number – mobile, digital or analogue. We are safe for the the digital switchover. 

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