Using this installation guide
Many will find it easiest to follow the comprehensive instructions in the User Guide and Summary Guide which are supplied with your hardware.
In this installation forum we will lead you through step-by-step and at the end of each step you should just click on the next heading.
The User Guide includes illustrations as well as text similar to that below.
Creating a user account
If you registered at the time of purchase you will have received an email with a link to help you complete your set-up.
If you didn’t register at the time of purchase you should visit and register a new account.
If you are setting the system up for someone else you should use an email that is unique to the wearer as the system will not allow the same email address to be used on different accounts.
When you follow the link in the email you need to provide the following information:
- The wearer’s Forename and Surname
- Username and Password for the wearer to use when logging in to
- Telephone Number – This is the telephone number we will call before an alert is raised. Ideally this should be a landline number at the same location as the Acticheck base
We recommend that you enter the following information. If not, you will need to enter it later:
- Base Registration Code – 12 character code printed on the Assure base and on the outside of the box near the barcode
- Address and Postcode – This is where the Acticheck base will be located. Please ensure the address and postcode match
Once you have completed the fields click on Complete Registration then log in with the username (or email address, either is acceptable) and password.
Verifying the phone number
The Acticheck Life-Saving Wristband system will always call your personal phone before it tries to contact your responders giving you the opportunity to cancel any false alerts.
To ensure that the correct phone number has been entered the system will make a verification call that you must answer and acknowledge.
Check the number is correct then click on Make Verification Call.
Answer your phone when it rings and follow the instructions.
If you need to change the number then type in a new number and click on Save Changes, this number will also need to be verified.
To verify or change the number at any time go to the Settings menu. You can do this by clicking on your name in the top left hand corner of the page and selecting the Phone Numbers option.
*Setting up the system for someone else*
If you are setting up the system for someone else you may not be in a position to verify their phone number at this stage. If that is the case, move on to the next step to register the base. The verification call will be made automatically when the base is subsequently connected.
Registering your base
If you did not register your base when you created your User account you should do that now.
Follow the instructions on screen and enter the following information
- Base Registration Code – printed on the base and box
- Address and Postcode – This is the address where the Acticheck base will be located
- Access instructions, such as keysafe location and combination. Access instructions are encrypted (securely hidden) immediately they are saved and are decrypted only when conveyed to a responder who has accepted an alert.
Positioning and connecting your base
Your base comes with two 1.8m cables. The blue (RJ45) one is for the internet connection. Plug one end into your internet router and the other end into the back of your Assure base.
The other (USB) cable is for power to theAssure base. Plug the small end into the base, and the large end into either a spare power output on the router, or into the power plug supplied with the system. In the latter case, plug in and switch on the power plug. After a few moments your Assure base should make a ‘bing-bong’ sound and the INTERNET (globe symbol) light should be lit. (If it goes out then the connection has been lost and the system cannot function.)
You should find a position in which both cables can be easily connected and where the Assure base is at least 30cm away from the router.
To help with this the Assure base is designed to be used in either an upright or flat position (there is an illustration in the User Guide).
The Acticheck Life-Saving Wristband base also records approximate ambient temperature which means that if you locate it in a position which is representative of the general temperature in the property the dashboard will show not only when the wearer is there but also the temperature comfort level.
Your Assure base can be set to make sounds when an incident occurs. This can be configured in your account at
Pairing your band to a base
IMPORTANT: When Pairing your band to the base for the first time it should NOT be worn.
Initiating pairing
When a base is first registered it will listen for a band to be paired with it. It will default to pairing mode as indicated by a flashing BAND light. You do not need to be logged in to to pair your band however on-screen instructions will guide you through this process if you do log in.
Completing pairing
Now hold your band close to the base (within 2m) and press a single button. The base INTERNET and BAND lights will alternate and if you are logged in the installation progress will be reported on your screen.
IMPORTANT: Once started this process must be allowed to complete with the band close to the base.
Once confirmed, both the INTERNET and the BAND lights should now show solidly. Your band is now paired to your base.
Now your band is paired to the base you need to test the system. Press both buttons on the band. You should feel the band vibrate and the base should sound a pre-alert. Wait for about 10s and the base sound should change and your phone should ring. Answer the phone and follow the instructions:
If you have not yet verified the phone number you will be invited to do so by pressing ‘1’ on the telephone keypad
If you have a verified phone number you will be invited to confirm you are OK by pressing ‘1’ on your telephone keypad. If you don’t press ‘1’ the alert will go out to those on your responder list.
You may want to perform a range test to ensure the system works everywhere in your property.
IMPORTANT: When Pairing your band to the base for the first time it should NOT be worn, and the back (orange) part of the band should not be next to skin: see the illustrations on User Guide page 13.
Fitting your Assure band
Your comfort is important to us and so is your wellbeing. To ensure this we need to know when the Assure band is being worn.Your comfort is important to us and so is your wellbeing. To ensure this we need to know when the Assure band is being worn. The Acticheck Life-Saving Wristband uses capacitive sensing, similar to that on a touchscreen, which relies on proximity to skin. Whilst the user initiated alert is always active none of the other functions will work reliably if the band is not being worn next to the skin. The band should be both snug and comfortable.
To fasten the Assure you should rest your band upside down and with the holes facing away from you. Rest the top of your wrist against the orange segment. Pull the holes towards you and then wrap the other end over the top. Identify a suitable hole for the peg to fasten in and placing one finger behind, gently push through with thumb.
To release gently push the peg out with a finger from behind.Note the band is made from medical grade silicone and can be worn on either wrist whichever way round is easier to fasten.