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How to Help Elderly People Use the Internet

How to Help Elderly People Use the Internet Acticheck

Profile side view of cheerful cheery positive old man sitting on divan holding in hands ebook browsing high fast speed internet in white light modern interior

As technology advances, it is increasingly important to have internet for the elderly to help you stay connected, even at home.

Internet access for the elderly can bring a range of benefits, including video calling with family and friends, booking GP appointments, ordering your weekly food shop and much more.

In this article, we’ll try to unpack some of the obstacles for the elderly and their families, to help the elderly use the internet safely.

Acticheck is here to help you with this – not only are we experienced in the field of technology, we also understand the needs of elderly people and their families. This means that we can offer valuable advice best suited to your needs.


What challenges of internet access for the elderly?

Purchasing a suitable device

Accessing the internet requires the use of a suitable device. Unfortunately, many people experience anxiety when deciding what device to purchase.

This is because it can feel like an intimidating process – there is often lots of confusing, technical language, and sometimes these devices can be expensive.

This may feel particularly daunting for those who are less used to using the internet, like the elderly often are. For some people, this may put them off using the internet altogether.

While the unfamiliar may leave you feeling fearful, it is important to know that you can overcome this challenge.

To help the elderly use technology, it’s important to be patient and to take time to research what device is most fitting by listening to the needs of your loved one.  Use accessible, familiar language to make sure you are communicating effectively.

And remember that we learn best by practice. Many electrical shops have interactive demos – it may help seniors to try out different devices to figure out what best suits them.

How to access the internet

Once you’ve purchased a device, the next big challenge is connecting your device to the internet.

To do this, you need to buy a broadband package. And after you have bought a broadband package, you need to connect your device to it. Then, you can start to navigate the internet!

This is challenging for seniors as again, it may be unfamiliar. Broadband providers often describe their deals in confusing language, and there are all sorts of buttons and wires you may not be used to.

To unpack the jargon surrounding broadband, check out this excellent guide.

In a nutshell…

  • Purchasing broadband allows you to wirelessly connect a phone, tablet, computer or other device of your choice to the internet.
  • This creates what is known as a WiFi hotspot.
  • Once you have a WiFi hotspot, you can connect your device to it, using your unique login and password.
  • After this connecting your device, you’re good to go!

Navigating the internet

The next major step is using the internet.

The internet is vast, so this can be scary.

The best way to learn is to formulate a list of activities that your loved one intends to use the internet for, such as accessing their emails or making video calls, for example.

Next, while sat in a comfortable space, begin to slowly demonstrate how to complete these actions.

After this, your loved one can mimic and repeat your actions until they’re comfortable doing it on their own.

It’s also important to alert them of the many internet scams elderly people are often subjected to. It’s important to help seniors learn how to spot such traps which often come in the forms of big prize draws or ‘free’ gifts.

Ultimately, practice makes perfect and over-time, everyone can become more comfortable using the internet.


Hopefully after reading this article, you will begin to feel more digitally ready.

Accessing the internet is evermore important as the world increasingly moves online, and it becomes a necessity. Nowadays, many of your day-to-day tasks can be completed from the comfort of your home, which is something that should be embraced.

We are here to ensure all seniors can live confidently and we’re happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Contact us at any time for advice or support with your fall detection system for seniors on 0345 25 75 080.

Get the peace of mind you and your family deserve